فارسی عربي

Persepolis named most visited attraction in Nowruz

Iranian historical monument, Persepolis has been named as the most visited tourist attraction during Nowruz holidays.

Iranian historical monument, Persepolis has been named as the most visited tourist attraction during Nowruz holidays.

Over 261000 tourists have visited the ancient site during the 14 days of New Year holidays.

National and world heritage sites in the provinces of Fars (521 thousand 912 visits), Isfahan (437 thousand 223 visits), Kerman (153 thousand 504 visits), Kermanshah (134 thousand 208 visits) and Razavi Khorasan (133 thousand 259 people) were respectively the top five provinces with the highest number of tourists.

These national sites had special programs during the holidays to host thousands of travelers and visitors.

Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire. It is situated in the plains of Marvdasht, encircled by the southern Zagros Mountains of Iran. Modern-day Shiraz is situated southwest of the Persepolis ruins.

Saad Abad Palace in Tehran, was the most visited tourist attraction of the capital.

